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Carole's Crafts website has been designed to be easy to navigate, with features that are intended to improve the browsing experience for those with disabilities or impairments.

We consider it of great importance that as many users as possible are able to access our site, which conforms wherever possible to the guidelines as laid down by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), which provides guidelines on best practice throughout the web industry.

We believe that the world-wide web should allow universal access to all users, especially those who are aged, the visually impaired, those with motor and cognitive impairments, and those with any of the many other types of disability. We cannot of course, guarantee to meet the requirements of everyone at this time, but wherever possible, every effort has been made to ensure the majority of users are able to use this site easily.

This site has been designed with the following features/enhancements:

Browser Compatibility

This site is cross browser compatible and is designed to work on assorted devices e.g. tablet or mobile phone, using the latest browser versions.

Resizeable Text Options

In addition to each browser's own text resizing tools, users are able to view the text size of the main content of this site at three different levels indicated by Fig. 1.

Standard text size option indicator Medium text size option indicator Large text size option indicator

Fig. 1

The highlighted image represents the currently selected text size. The selected text size will remain set until such time that the user alters the setting, or the browser is closed with the removal of any cookies that are set.


Browsers now vary in the way that they allow for content to be viewed at increasing levels of magnification. Later versions of both Internet Explorer and Firefox offer both text resizing and scalable screen options. There are of course, limitations to the level of magnification that can be applied before affecting the layout of a site. The design of this site allows for the scalability of text, without impairing the layout & display of individual page components.

High Visibility Text-Only Option

Users of this site are able to switch between a full graphics version and a text-only version. The 'Text Only' option has enlarged high visibility text, intended for users who have visual impairments. The page content degrades to display in a logical readable format. In addition there is an option to skip the navigation components, and go directly the the main page content area. Switching to 'Text Only' mode retains all the functionality of the full graphics version of this site.

Printer Friendly Page Version

Should you require to print any of our pages, we have made available a printable version of each page containing only the information that you really need. The printable version has images, and uneccessary content such as navigation features removed. For your benefit the printable version displays the URL of the page, the date and time of print & our disclaimer. All pages will still be printable using the normal browser print features, should you wish to do so.

Search Options

The search options allow a user to search the entire content of the site, using 'All Words', 'Any Words' or 'Search Exact Phrase'.



Wadding & Fusible

  • Bondaweb
  • Bosal
  • Hemline
  • Hobbs
  • Insul-fleece
  • Steam-a-seam
  • Style-Vil
  • Vilene
  • Warm & Natural

© Carole's Crafts 2007 - 2024